Drinks and Things
A podcast where we drink and talk about all kinds of things! With your hosts Carver and Leashea, take some time to dive into topics such as Collectables, Video Games, Ghosts, Music, TV Shows, Movies, Cryptids and many more! Grab your drink, (alcohol or otherwise) and sit with us a while.
Drinks and Things
Bonus Episode 2! : Where have they been?
Leashea and Carver
Season 1
Episode 24
This episode, we catch up on all the bull that Carver and Leashea have been through the last few weeks.
*knock on wood* that this is the last of the tomfoolery,
As always, you can reach us on almost any social media and email us your ghost stories at drinksandthingspodcast@gmail.com
We also have a buymeacoffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/drinksnthings
Music in intro/outro by Skilsel on Pixabay